Friday, December 5, 2008

Las Vegas: So i'm guessing you guys aren't racist?

Las Vegas. A city of lights, lust, and gambling...basically the perfect place to spend an enchanted day off. Miranda, Dave, Matt, Dany and I decided to do a quick walking (crutching) tour of some of the strip. We walked (crutched) through Caesar's Palace where we had some yummy gelato and then we saw the fountain show at the Bellagio. At this point it became clear that our poor bunny needed some rest and relaxation so we went back to the hotel where she had some alone time in the room while Dany and I ventured to the hot tub.

Upon arrival we were informed that the jets were not working, but as the long as the tub was indeed hot we were sold. After a few moments Dave joined us followed by two unknown men. Dave's stay was brief and so Dany and I found ourselves alone with said men. One of the men can only be described as Beevus from Beevus and Butthead as he was super skinny, had obnoxiously blonde hair,and a very creepy smile. The other was a military man with a short brown buzz cut. After friendly small talk we found out that they are both from Orlando, Florida. Beevus works in construction while the other is currently serving in the military. They asked us about relationship status (ie. if Dany has a gf...giggle giggle) and why we were here in the first place. We explained the tour and so forth and eventually began to talk about Iraq. Military man explained that he is in constant rigorous training and spoke briefly about killing people in Iraq. Beevus replied, "It won't be good enough until we have killed every last one of those towel heads". this point Dany was doing his best to keep a straight face and because I where every single emotion blatantly on my sleeve for the world to see, i decided to put my horrified face in my hands. Beevus continued this conversation by showing us a burning cross tatoo on his shoulder which in this case was clear proof of his stance as a white supremest.

Beevus makes the astute observation that it becoming harder and harder for Dany and I to keep it together and in a last ditch effort to continue the conversation he poses the question, "So i'm guessing you guys aren't racist?" which I couldn't even formulate a response and to which Dany replied flatly, "no." Beevus asked this question as though he was hoping we would be, as though we would cry out, "but of course...isn't everybody?"

i mean...isn't everybody a little bit racist sometimes?

Alas poor Beevus, the answer is sometimes...not all the time.


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