Sunday, November 2, 2008

Christian Pornography

What happens when you and your girlfriend google the term "Christian Pornography"?
Some pretty great stuff!
Usually the two words were in the same paragraph describing the Christian response
to mainstream pornography. It never described actual pornography by and for
Christians... except for one sight.

My friends if you have not been to I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO GO.
Please please please go today! is a website dedicated
to the scriptural justification of everything sexual under the sun and then
a little. You can't make up what is found on this site.
I fear that I can't do justice to what I found there...

but I'll try anyway.

It doesn't say who runs the site. This is a shame. I almost wish there were
pictures of the men (and believe me it's men that run this site) who have taken
the time out of their clearly under-sexed lives to find scriptural precedent for
pornography of a Christian persuasion, Christian bondage or why God wants us
to masturbate (in a Christian manner of course). I imagine these men would look
like the owner of the comic book store in The Simpsons.

There were also no pictures of the things they were discussing.
This was also a shame because I really wanted to see pictures next
to the corresponding essay titles. What would be an appropriate
graphic for the essay "Bare Before God... Shaving and the Bible"?
Better yet what sort of thumbnail would accurately sum up
"Masturbation, God's Great Gift to Us"?

I would like to take credit for these titles, but alas I cannot.
When you go to you will see for yourself some
of the most insightful essay titles dealing with Christian-minded
sexual deviancy on the internet today.

Then there's the text. What would a Christian (male) oriented
alternative lifestyle website be without good copy? It wouldn't be worth
the pillar of salt that Lot's wife turned into when looking back onto the
"Israelis Gone Wild" episode that was known as Sodom and Gamorah.
For example:

“If you’re going to have anal sex, why not just have regular sex?”
This is a good question: If you’re going to have sexual contact before marriage, why not just go the whole nine yards and have regular sex? There are many good reasons for having anal sex instead. The first reason is practical: having conventional vaginal intercourse can lead to unwanted pregnancies.
Second, for a young woman who has never engaged in sexual intercourse, having anal sex allows her to preserve her virginity (i.e., maintain an intact hymen) until marriage. There is no greater gift that a bride can give than to offer her pure, unsullied maidenhead to her husband on their wedding night.

Let me reiterate that this is REAL TEXT.

One last example:
Fisting as an Act of Faith
Before attempting fisting, a Christian husband and wife should pray together and ask for divine guidance. The husband should ask that God guide his hand and work through him, and for the skill and patience to fist his wife correctly and maximize her pleasure. The wife should pray for openness and readiness to receive God’s love and grace in the form of her husband’s hand.

In case you forgot... REAL TEXT!

In some parts they actually quote scripture (vaguely) to make cases for anything and
everything you can think of that two (or more) people can do in bed. So if you've been
wondering how God feels about you shaving your pubic hair or whether or not you should
take it in the back door you now have a resource at your disposal. If they don't already have
a section for your divinely deviant behavior fear not... they have a question and answer forum
that you can write into!

(which by the by is the best part)


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