Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"I Don't even like gas, I don't even know what gas is, gas gives me hives"

So i convinced Tia, Terry, and Colleen to come to the gay club Pegasus in Pittsburgh after a long day of load in, children's show, load out.  We figured there should be some time for Party hard in this mix. Little did I know the adventure that was to occur.  We got to a minute away from our destination and ran out of gas in the van.  Then tried to ask locals where the nearest gas station was, while using the GPS.  We tried three places before we found an open gas station.  Mind you, we would never have found said station, had Terry not got out of the van at gas station number 2 and looked around.  Finally after our extreme adventure of driving up the steepest hills in Pittsburgh with no gas, we made it to Pegasus.  Not considering the day of the week we found the bar mostly empty.  We got over it pretty quick and had ourselves some drinks to relax from our very stressful ride over.  While sitting at the bar we noticed a rather attractive Go-Go boy who wasn't really doing any dancing.  At one point a creepy 40 something-year-old man sat down next to the Go-Go boy.  Eventually, we all went over to talk to Go-Go boy to give him company other than the creepy man. Go-Go boy turned out to have a name other than Go-Go Boy (go figure).  It was Jay.  We talked to Jay and the female bar tender for a little while and found Jay also did children's theatre and was a dancer.  After some nice chit-chatting we called it a night. Jay said to come back on Friday because it would be more eventful and he wouldn't have to be working.  At this point I may have given him my number (readers choice).  We then returned to our lovely hotel rooms at the Crown Plaza.  From this night we learned: 1. make sure you have gas before driving into a city. 2. The GPS doesn't always know where you are. 3. Dana Cook's Comedy can relate to any situation.

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