Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So Miranda, Tia, and I went into New York today.  After performing twice this morning. Sidebar, both performances went really well and the talkback after the second show was awesome.  Anyways, they both told me we should go into the city and as our usual social coordinator i thought it would be nice to just follow for a change.  So we got into the city and had a very nice dinner at some random restaurant (I don't know the name because I was on the phone when they were picking and I just followed).  We then went our own ways. I met up with Kennedy and we went to visit Joel at the restaurant he works at.  This led to my current buzzed state.  After some delightful wine I headed downtown to meet up with the girls and head home.
This leads me to my blog topic.  The eye are a very interesting part of the human "pick up" process.  We were sitting on the PATH train attempting to get home and at one of our change overs Tia noticed a very cute man checking me out.  I eventually noticed Mr. Eyes as well.  Then we got on our transfer and he stood right near us.  Which led to our back and forth eye tennis.  I would look at him and he would catch me looking.  Then he would look at me and I would catch him.  We would lock gaze for 5 seconds and I would smile.  Then he would smile back.  Then i might of winked (I can't help that I'm a flirt.) This is the most interesting game that everyone plays in life at some point or another.  I even "dragged my feet" after getting off the train walking to our taxi to see if he would do anything.  I used the quotes there because Miranda said that.  I don't think I was dragging my feet, just walking a little slower than usual. Have you ever wanted to just walk up to someone that has been starring at you in a public setting and write your number on their hand or something.  Well the thought crossed my mind, and I did have a pen in my pocket.  But alas I was not that bold.  How do people meet through public settings? Were does the boldness come from of just talking to a stranger.  I mean its a big enough step to assume that the other person might be interested.  Little lone and the fact of their sexual persuasion into the mix and the odds are against you.  How to people meet in a public setting?  It is such a simple concept, that seems so challenging in practice.  Mr. Eyes got into a cab and made no advances, so lord know where he ended up.  For a brief while our cabs were following one another.  But eventually due to stop lights he was gone off into the distance.  Life is strange.  This Blog makes no sense but I'm sure you'll get over it.  I just needed to vent about the random happenings of life.  Hope you enjoy.  Sorry the Wedding video isn't up i will try my hardest to put in on the blog.  Recently the internet at our hotels hasn't been strong enough.  But eventually I will win.  good night people

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